Bread and Pastry

  • Filters
  Name SKU Description Category Manufacturer
Bread Knife Classic Triple Rivet Bread and Pastry
Bread Knife Classic Ikon Range Bread and Pastry
Bread Knife Gourmet Range Bread and Pastry
Bread Knife Grand Prix Range Bread and Pastry
Bread Knife Silverpoint Range Bread and Pastry
Bread Knife 54416620

Classic Ikon White

Bread Knife Classic Ikon White 20cm

Bread and Pastry
Bread Knife 54416623

Classic Ikon White Bread Knife 23cm

Bread and Pastry
Bread Knife 54375223

Crafter Series

Bread Knife 23cm

Bread and Pastry
Confectioners Knife

Silverpoint Range

Bread and Pastry
Confectioners Knife 54485426

Pro Series

Confectioners Knife 26cm Serrated Edge

Bread and Pastry
Pastry Knife 54453226

Classic Tripe Rivet

Pastry Knife Super Slicer 26cm , Wavy Edge

Bread and Pastry
Pastry Knife 54451626

Classic Ikon

Pastry Knife Super Slicer 26cm , Wavy Edge

Bread and Pastry
Pastry Knife 54451926

Gourmet Series

Pastry Knife Super Slicer 26cm , Wavy Edge

Bread and Pastry


187 Ferry Road,


Monday to Friday 7.30am to 4.30pm

Tel: 03-377-2067

Fax: 03-377-2032
